Monday, August 3, 2009


South Georgia was the first of the Falkland Islands to be retaken from the Argentines in 1982 but even to those who think obliquely, the Falklands & the late Clement Freud do not form an immediate association. Clement Freud was the grandson of the famous Sigmund Freud; he was variously a Liberal MP, a celebrity chef before the name celebrity chef was invented, renowned wit, raconteur & TV personality. He told a story about the Falklands so often that it may even be true but lets suppose its an apocryphal one for now.
It goes like this: in the mid 1980's, the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was walking down the Mall and spotted a man sitting on the pavement displaying a sign which read "DISABLED FALKLANDS WAR VETERAN, PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY". Mrs Thatcher reached into her handbag and handed the man a £5 note at which point he looked up and said "muchas gracias". Never could the milk of human kindness have been so quickly soured.